SFA – Small Firm Association awards 2021-

We are delighted to showcase our new website Steiriliu.com  and be part of the  SFA (Small firm Association) awards 2021 in Innovation. We are thrilled as this as been a year like no other, where we started the year with many plans and a great strategy for growth with our global network of partners. In our plans we were aware of Brexit and how this would effect the industry and developed a strategy to plan for the future with this in mind. But all good plans can change  all the dental shows that we would attend across the globe were cancelled- we realised very quickly, that we need to be agile- that we need to look to other ideas and re-evaluate the industry looking to other markets.  We developed a new e-commerce website called Steiriliu-( the Irish for sterilise ) realising that not only do the dental industry need and want our product , but the products we developed such as the BurButler, that we have an IP on can also be used in Beauty and Veterinary and Podiatry. So, its been an exciting  year with many twists and turns.  We are excited for the future as there is great demand for our little products- they are simple, safe, saving time and money. Please email me if you would like more information- support@steiriliu.com
